Basic information   
Locus name AT5G01600
OrganismArabidopsis thaliana
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function categoryROS
Effect for Senescencedelay
Gene DescriptionEncodes a ferretin protein that is targeted to the chloroplast.
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]
1: Murgia I, Vazzola V, Tarantino D, Cellier F, Ravet K, Briat JF, Soave C.
Knock-out of ferritin AtFer1 causes earlier onset of age-dependent leaf senescence in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol Biochem. 2007 Dec;45(12):898-907. Epub 2007 Sep 29.

Gene Ontology
biological process
molecular function
SequenceAT5G01600.1 | Genomic | mRNA | CDS | Protein
Mutant information   
Mutant name atfer1-2
Mutant/Transgenic mutant
Ecotype Col-0
Mutagenesis type T-DNA
Sampling Buchanan-Wollaston V, Page T, Harrison E, Breeze E, Lim PO, Nam HG, Lin JF, Wu SH, Swidzinski J, Ishizaki K, Leaver CJ.
Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals significant differences in gene expression and signalling pathways between developmental and dark/starvation-induced senescence in Arabidopsis.
Plant J. 2005 May;42(4)
Comparation Legends:
Col: wild type, indicates the ratio of expression in senescing leaves/green leaves.
NahG, coi1 and ein2: indicates the ratio of expression in senescing leaves of mutant/senescing wild type.
D/L: ratio of DARK 5d/control.
CD: Cell Death, ratio of starved cell suspension culture/control.
Genes showing at least 3 fold (ratio) up regulation during leaf senescence.
miRNA Interaction      
target: AT5G01600.1 
miRNA: ath-miR854a
miRNA: ath-miR854a
mfe: -32.8 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.001982 

position:  377 
target 5' U              A     A 3' 
miRNA  3' G              G       5' 

target: AT5G01600.1 
miRNA: ath-miR854b
miRNA: ath-miR854b
mfe: -32.8 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.002879 

position:  377 
target 5' U              A     A 3' 
miRNA  3' G              G       5' 

target: AT5G01600.1 
miRNA: ath-miR854c
miRNA: ath-miR854c
mfe: -32.8 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.002065 

position:  377 
target 5' U              A     A 3' 
miRNA  3' G              G       5' 

target: AT5G01600.1 
miRNA: ath-miR854d
miRNA: ath-miR854d
mfe: -32.8 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.001989 

position:  377 
target 5' U              A     A 3' 
miRNA  3' G              G       5' 

target: AT5G01600.1 
miRNA: ath-miR854e
miRNA: ath-miR854e
mfe: -32.8 kcal/mol 
p-value: 0.002864 

position:  377 
target 5' U              A     A 3' 
miRNA  3' G              G       5' 
Ortholog Group      
Ortholog Groups: OG5_127547
NP_181559Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_187716Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_191168Arabidopsis thaliana
NP_195780 ( AT5G01600 ) Arabidopsis thaliana
CMP227CCyanidioschyzon merolae strain 10D
157947Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
ACO67672Micromonas sp. RCC299
NP_001065540Oryza sativa Japonica Group
NP_001065936Oryza sativa Japonica Group
gw1.02.00.449.1Ostreococcus tauri
e_gw1.126.54.1Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_590206Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
estExt_gwp_gw1.C_510141Physcomitrella patens subsp. patens
29729.m002277Ricinus communis
29820.m000995Ricinus communis
XP_002951031Volvox carteri f. nagariensis
Cross Link      
DatabaseEntry IDE-valueStartEndInterPro IDDescription
SUPERFAMILYSSF472402.2E-6379255IPR009078Ferritin-like superfamily
ProSiteProfilesPS5090542.288241IPR009040Ferritin- like diiron domain
PfamPF002101.7E-4097240IPR008331Ferritin/DPS protein domain
ProSitePatternsPS00204NA208228IPR014034Ferritin, conserved site
Mutant Image      
Knock-out of ferritin AtFer1 causes earlier onset of age-dependent leaf senescence in Arabidopsis   
Subcellular Localization   
Pubmed ID23180787