Basic information   
Locus name TraesCS4A02G193600.1
OrganismWheat (Triticum aestivum)
Taxonomic identifier[NCBI]
Function category
Effect for Senescencepromote
Gene DescriptionTaWRKY13-A Serves as a Mediator of Jasmonic Acid-Related Leaf Senescence by Modulating Jasmonic Acid Biosynthesis.impaired transcription of TaWRKY13-A leading to a delayed leaf senescence phenotype in wheat. Moreover, the overexpression (OE) of TaWRKY13-A accelerated the onset of leaf senescence under both natural growth condition and darkness in Brachypodium distachyon and Arabidopsis thaliana.
EvidenceGenetic evidence [Ref 1]

Mutant information   
Mutant name TaWRKY13-A OE
Ecotype Wheat (Triticum aestivum)
Mutagenesis type transgene