
In the current version, DogGD contains two genomes that are dhole & wolf. We load the scaffold list with length > 500kb.

Table information

file name: wolf.genome.fa
sequences: 44203
total length: 2313148660 bp (2259454654 bp excl N/X-runs)
GC level: 40.70%
bases masked: 908176566 bp ( 39.26%)
number of length percentage
elements* occupied of sequence
SINEs: 1470906 240411925 bp 10.39%
Alu/B1 0 0 bp 0.00%
MIRs 428181 63303252 bp 2.74%
LINEs: 872121 437460733 bp 18.91%
LINE1 532302 348633039 bp 15.07%
LINE2 289070 77403890 bp 3.35%
L3/CR1 37523 8218057 bp 0.36%
RTE 12054 3015643 bp 0.13%
LTR elements: 299903 115575671 bp 5.00%
ERVL 88172 39234773 bp 1.70%
ERVL-MaLRs 142926 49322218 bp 2.13%
ERV_classI 46955 21558506 bp 0.93%
ERV_classII 0 0 bp 0.00%
DNA elements: 318218 67024759 bp 2.90%
hAT-Charlie 184506 35787295 bp 1.55%
TcMar-Tigger 47852 14280629 bp 0.62%
DNA Unclassified: 6258 1106928 bp 0.05%
Total interspersed repeats: 861580016 bp 37.25%
Small RNA: 1080599 179717502 bp 7.77%
Satellites: 871 844231 bp 0.04%
Simple repeats: 833484 36826283 bp 1.59%
Low complexity: 113493 5738809 bp 0.25%
* most repeats fragmented by insertions or deletions have been counted as one element
The query species was assumed to be canis lupus familiaris RepeatMasker version open-4.0.5 , sensitive mode
run with rmblastn version 2.2.27+ RepBase Update 20140131, RM database version 20140131