The homolog information comes from NCBI Homolog. Gene Associated Human Disease comes from NCBI OMIM

Homolog Group ID Organism Symbol Gene Links Genetic Location Genome Coordinates (dog and human only) Associated Human Diseases
384 Human PLEC HGNC:9069 (HGNC)
5339 (Entrez Gene)
601282 (OMIM)
8q24.3 8: 143915152-143976799 (-)
Reference GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly(NC_000008.11)
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with pyloric atresia (MIM 612138)
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with muscular dystrophy (MIM 226670)
?Epidermolysis bullosa simplex with nail dystrophy (MIM 616487)
Muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle, type 2Q (MIM 613723)
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex, Ogna type (MIM 131950)
384 Dog PLEC 482083 (Entrez Gene)
- 13: 37413419-37467659 (-)
Alternate Dog10K Boxer Tasha Primary Assembly(NC_006595.4)
Epidermolysis bullosa
384 Zebrafish pleca 567639 (Entrez Gene)
ENSDARG00000062590 (Ensembl)
- 19: 22408307-22621645 (-)
Reference GRCz11 Primary Assembly(NC_007130.7)
384 Cow PLEC 786966 (Entrez Gene)
ENSBTAG00000011922 (Ensembl)
- 14: 840052-896630 (+)
Reference ARS-UCD1.2 Primary Assembly(NC_037341.1)
384 Mouse Plec 18810 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMUSG00000022565 (Ensembl)
15_D3|15_35.48_cM 15: 76055173-76115577 (-)
Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J(NC_000081.7)
384 Rat Plec 64204 (Entrez Gene)
ENSRNOG00000023781 (Ensembl)
7q34 7: 107887763-107949099 (-)
Reference mRatBN7.2 Primary Assembly(NC_051342.1)
384 Xenopus plec 100145182 (Entrez Gene)
ENSXETG00000003713 (Ensembl)
- 6: 152757760-152919082 (+)
Reference UCB Xtro 10.0 Primary Assembly(NC_030682.2)
384 Macaque PLEC 699517 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMMUG00000000388 (Ensembl)
- 8: 144185447-144247046 (-)
Reference Mmul 10 Primary Assembly(NC_041761.1)
384 Chimpanzee PLEC 464454 (Entrez Gene)
ENSPTRG00000020672 (Ensembl)
- 8: 142043871-142105434 (-)
Reference Clint PTRv2 Primary Assembly(NC_036887.1)