The detail information of Methaemoglobinaemia
Basic Information

Another Name: Methemoglobinemia

Disease Description: Methemoglobin is the result of iron oxygenation, and while it is a form of hemoglobin, it does not carry oxygen

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: Depression;Weakness;Rapid breathing;Discoloration of skin and mucous membranes;Jaundice;Vomiting;Hypothermia;Swelling of face or jaw

Disease Cause: ;Genetic disorder;Acetaminophen ingestion;Ibuprofen ingestion;Topical anesthetics such as benzocaine;Skunk musk

Disease Diagnose: Blood tests may also be done at a laboratory to examine the levels of methemoglobins.If the methemoglobinemia is chronic, it is likely that the blood test will reveal a high volume of red blood cells. A spot test may be performed — where a drop of the dog’s blood will be placed on an absorbent white paper and a drop of normal blood will be placed next to it. If the animal is suffering from methemoglobinemia, its blood will be noticeably browner than the bright red of the normal blood spot.

Treat Method: Mild to moderate — no treatment necessary;If drug-induced, discontinuation of the drug;Acetaminophen or ibuprofen overdose — vomiting induced immediately;Inherited — animals have normal life expectancy and do not require treatment;Severely anemic — blood transfusions;Electrolyte imbalances resulting from vomiting, diarrhea, kidney injury, or impending shock may be treated with IVs;In cases of severe anemia, methylene blue may be administered intravenously to reduce the methemoglobin count

Breeder Advice: Exercise extreme care when using acetaminophen and ibuprofen medications. If your pet has ingested them by accident, induce vomiting and take it to the veterinarian immediately. If you are giving your pet ibuprofen for pain, be alert for symptoms of anemia. Color should return to the skin and mucous membranes once the amount of methemoglobin in the blood has returned to a level that is not critical, and blood on the spot test appears bright red. If methylene blue treatment has been given, the proportion of red cells in the blood should be monitored closely.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
There are associated breeds.
2018 Shino,H.,Otsuka-Yamasaki,Y.,Sato,T.,Ooi,K.,Inanami,O.,Sato,R.,Yamasaki,M.: :
Familial Congenital Methemoglobinemia in Pomeranian Dogs Caused by a Missense Variant in the NADH-Cytochrome B5 Reductase Gene. J Vet Intern Med 32:165-171, 2018.
Pubmed reference: 29356095 . DOI: 10.1111/jvim.15031 .
2017 Jaffey,J.A.,Harmon,M.R.,Villani,N.A.,Creighton,E.K.,Johnson,G.S.,Giger,U.,Dodam,J.R.: :
Long-term Treatment with Methylene Blue in a Dog with Hereditary Methemoglobinemia Caused by Cytochrome b5 Reductase Deficiency. J Vet Intern Med :, 2017.
Pubmed reference: 28963729 . DOI: 10.1111/jvim.14843 .