The detail information of Schnauzer comedo syndrome
Basic Information

Disease Description: A skin disease of schnauzers where the skin forms comedones ("blackheads").

Inherit Mode: The mode of inheritance is unknown.

Disease Symptom: Animals with this syndrome have bumps, scabs andblackheads on theirbacks, which may only be noticed when the hair is clipped. Theseusually do not bother thedog unless a secondary bacterial skin infection develops, causing somepain and itching. The dog's general health is not affected.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: The diagnosis is readily made based on findingcomedones orblackheads along the back of a miniature schnauzer. Your veterinarianmay take a skinbiopsy to confirm the diagnosis. This is a simple procedure done withlocal anesthetic, inwhich your veterinarian removes a small sample of your dog's skin forexamination by aveterinary pathologist.

Treat Method: This condition can not be cured but it can becontrolled. Mild casesneed no treatment. In other cases or where there are repeatedinfections, regular cleaningwith acne cleaning products or mild anti-seborrheic shampoos will berequired. Yourveterinarian will work with you to find a regime suitable for yourdog. If a secondary bacterial infection develops,your dog will need totake antibiotics for 3 or 4 weeks.

Breeder Advice: It is preferable not to breed affected dogs, inorder to reduce theoccurrence of this common disorder in miniature schnauzers.

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
Disease Name Other Name Mode of inheritance Link ID Possible OMIM ID Gene
Comedo syndrome Schnauzer comedo syndrome - -
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB161 Miniature Schnauzer Friendly, smart, obedient 30.5-35.6 cm 5-9.1 kg Germany
CB162 Mountain Cur Intelligent, Strong-Willed 41-66cm 13.6-27.2kg United States
1997 Campbell, K.L. :
Diagnosis andmanagement ofkeratinization disorders in dogs ACVIM- Proceedings of the 15th Annual Veterinary MedicalForum. p 220-222
1997 Hannigan,M.M.: :
A refractory case of Schnauzer comedo syndrome Canadian Veterinary Journal - Revue Veterinaire Canadienne 38:238-239, 1997.
1996 Kimura,T.,Doi,K.: :
Spontaneous comedones on the skin of hairless descendants of mexican hairless dogs Jikken Dobutsu. Experimental Animals 45:377-384, 1996.
1996 Schwartzman,R.M.,Kligman,A.M.,Duclos,D.D.: :
The Mexican hairless dog as a model for assessing the comedolytic and morphogenic activity of retinoids British Journal of Dermatology 134:64-70, 1996.
Pubmed reference: 8745888 .
1995 Scott, D.W., Miller, W.H., Griffin, C.E. :
Mullerand Kirk'sSmall Animal Dermatology W.B. Saunders Co., Toronto. p. 752