The detail information of Renal dysplasia
Basic Information

Disease Description: A condition where the kidneys form abnormally. Renal failure develops with protein loss in urine.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The early stage, called compensated renal insufficiency, is marked by excessive thirst and increased urination. When three-quarters of nephrons are gone, affected dogs are in renal failure. The kidneys can no longer filter toxins from the blood and the affected dogs are physically ill from the poison.The most severely affected dogs have problems by eight weeks of age. They die shortly thereafter. Mildly affected individuals may make it to six months of age before having problems.

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: Although some medications can relieve the pain and suffering of the dog, there is no cure for renal failure. Dialysis can be done, but it is expensive and typically buys only a small amount of time. A low-protein diet that is rich in specific amino acids and low in phosphates is the best nutritional approach for mildly affected individuals. Breeders should test their puppies as early as eight weeks.

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
Disease Name Other Name Mode of inheritance Link ID Possible OMIM ID Gene
Renal dysplasia - - -
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB89 Dogo Argentino Loyal, trustworthy,courageous 61-68.6 cm (male), 59.7-66 cm (female) 36.3-45.4 kg Argentina
CB162 Mountain Cur Intelligent, Strong-Willed 41-66cm 13.6-27.2kg United States
CB229 Spanish Mastiff Aloof, dignified, calm and intelligent Spain
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