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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Ribosomal RNA Operons Database
Description: A searchable database documenting variation in ribosomal RNA operons (rrn) in Bacteria and Archaea.
Year founded: 2001
Last update: 2018-09-25
Version: v5.5
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: United States

Classification & Tag

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of Michigan
Address: Ann Arbor,MI 48109,USA
City: Ann Arbor
Province/State: MI
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): Thomas M. Schmidt
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


rrnDB: improved tools for interpreting rRNA gene abundance in bacteria and archaea and a new foundation for future development. [PMID: 25414355]
Stoddard SF, Smith BJ, Hein R, Roller BR, Schmidt TM.

Microbiologists utilize ribosomal RNA genes as molecular markers of taxonomy in surveys of microbial communities. rRNA genes are often co-located as part of an rrn operon, and multiple copies of this operon are present in genomes across the microbial tree of life. rrn copy number variability provides valuable insight into microbial life history, but introduces systematic bias when measuring community composition in molecular surveys. Here we present an update to the ribosomal RNA operon copy number database (rrnDB), a publicly available, curated resource for copy number information for bacteria and archaea. The redesigned rrnDB ( brings a substantial increase in the number of genomes described, improved curation, mapping of genomes to both NCBI and RDP taxonomies, and refined tools for querying and analyzing these data. With these changes, the rrnDB is better positioned to remain a comprehensive resource under the torrent of microbial genome sequencing. The enhanced rrnDB will contribute to the analysis of molecular surveys and to research linking genomic characteristics to life history. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2015:43(Database issue) | 388 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-13)
rrnDB: documenting the number of rRNA and tRNA genes in bacteria and archaea. [PMID: 18948294]
Lee ZM, Bussema C, Schmidt TM.

A dramatic exception to the general pattern of single-copy genes in bacterial and archaeal genomes is the presence of 1-15 copies of each ribosomal RNA encoding gene. The original version of the Ribosomal RNA Database (rrnDB) cataloged estimates of the number of 16S rRNA-encoding genes; the database now includes the number of genes encoding each of the rRNAs (5S, 16S and 23S), an internally transcribed spacer region, and the number of tRNA genes. The rrnDB has been used largely by microbiologists to predict the relative rate at which microbial populations respond to favorable growth conditions, and to interpret 16S rRNA-based surveys of microbial communities. To expand the functionality of the rrnDB (, the search engine has been redesigned to allow database searches based on 16S rRNA gene copy number, specific organisms or taxonomic subsets of organisms. The revamped database also computes average gene copy numbers for any collection of entries selected. Curation tools now permit rapid updates, resulting in an expansion of the database to include data for 785 bacterial and 69 archaeal strains. The rrnDB continues to serve as the authoritative, curated source that documents the phylogenetic distribution of rRNA and tRNA genes in microbial genomes.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2009:37(Database issue) | 222 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-13)
rrndb: the Ribosomal RNA Operon Copy Number Database. [PMID: 11125085]
Klappenbach JA, Saxman PR, Cole JR, Schmidt TM.

The Ribosomal RNA Operon Copy Number Database (rrndb) is an Internet-accessible database containing annotated information on rRNA operon copy number among prokaryotes. Gene redundancy is uncommon in prokaryotic genomes, yet the rRNA genes can vary from one to as many as 15 copies. Despite the widespread use of 16S rRNA gene sequences for identification of prokaryotes, information on the number and sequence of individual rRNA genes in a genome is not readily accessible. In an attempt to understand the evolutionary implications of rRNA operon redundancy, we have created a phylogenetically arranged report on rRNA gene copy number for a diverse collection of prokaryotic microorganisms. Each entry (organism) in the rrndb contains detailed information linked directly to external websites including the Ribosomal Database Project, GenBank, PubMed and several culture collections. Data contained in the rrndb will be valuable to researchers investigating microbial ecology and evolution using 16S rRNA gene sequences. The rrndb web site is directly accessible on the WWW at http://rrndb.cme.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2001:29(1) | 547 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-13)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2018-06-08]
Lin Xia [2016-04-01]
Lin Xia [2015-11-23]
Lin Xia [2015-06-28]