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Database Profile

General information

Full name: IPD-MHC Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) website
Description: The site is intended as a resource for information on the nomenclature and DNA sequence data for the genes of the swine MHC complex. The data presented represents work published or submitted to public databases by many authors and has been compiled and edited by the members of the SLA Nomenclature Committee of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG).
Year founded: 2005
Last update: 2017
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: United States

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of Michigan
Address: University of Michigan 1150 W. Medical Center Drive MSRBII Room C570, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
City: Dallas
Province/State: TX
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): D. M. Smith
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


Nomenclature for factors of the SLA system, update 2008. [PMID: 19317739]
Ho CS, Lunney JK, Ando A, Rogel-Gaillard C, Lee JH, Schook LB, Smith DM.

This report summarizes the new swine leukocyte antigen (SLA) allele sequences and haplotypes designated by the SLA Nomenclature Committee of the International Society for Animal Genetics. There have been 74 new SLA alleles, comprising 18 SLA-1 alleles, 11 SLA-2 alleles, six SLA-3 alleles, two SLA-6 alleles, one SLA-DRA allele, 20 SLA-DRB1 alleles, three SLA-DQA alleles and 13 SLA-DQB1 alleles. Twelve new SLA class I and four new class II haplotypes have also been designated. This is the first official update since the 2005 reports on the nomenclature for factors of the SLA class I and II systems. This report also summarizes recent updates to the Immunopolymorphism Database-Major Histocompatibility Complex (IPD-MHC) website ( All information has now been integrated to the SLA section of the IPD-MHC database, which serves as the repository for maintaining a list of all recognized SLA genes and their allelic sequences.

Tissue Antigens. 2009:73(4) | 69 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
Nomenclature for factors of the swine leukocyte antigen class II system, 2005. [PMID: 16305679]
Smith DM, Lunney JK, Ho CS, Martens GW, Ando A, Lee JH, Schook L, Renard C, Chardon P.

A systematic nomenclature for the genes and alleles of the swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is essential to the development and communication of research in swine immunology. The Swine Leukocyte Antigen (SLA) Nomenclature Committee of the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) has reviewed all of the DNA-sequence information for MHC class II genes, available in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ databases, and the associated published reports to develop such a systematic nomenclature. This article summarizes the proposed nomenclature, which parallels the World Health Organization's nomenclature for factors of the human MHC. The SLA class II genes expressed on the cell membrane will be noted as SLA-DRA, SLA-DRB1, SLA-DQA, and SLA-DQB1. Nomenclature assignments for all SLA class II GenBank sequences are now noted. The committee will add new SLA class II allele designations, as they are discovered, and will maintain a publicly available list of all recognized genes and alleles using the Immuno Polymorphism Database (IPD). The sequences will be available from the IPD-MHC section of the database which contains non-human MHC sequences (

Tissue Antigens. 2005:66(6) | 64 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
Nomenclature for factors of the SLA class-I system, 2004. [PMID: 15713212]
Smith DM, Lunney JK, Martens GW, Ando A, Lee JH, Ho CS, Schook L, Renard C, Chardon P.

A systematic nomenclature for the genes and alleles of the swine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is essential to the development and communication of research in swine immunology. The Swine Leucocyte Antigen (SLA) Nomenclature Committee of the International Society for Animal Genetics has reviewed all of the DNA sequence information for MHC class-I genes, available in GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ databases, and the associated published reports in order to develop such a systematic nomenclature. This report summarizes the proposed nomenclature, which parallels the World Health Organization's nomenclature for factors of the human MHC. The classical class-I SLA genes are designated as SLA-1, SLA-2 and SLA-3; the non-classical as SLA-6, SLA-7 and SLA-8. Nomenclature assignments for all SLA class-I GenBank sequences are now noted. The Committee will add new SLA class-I allele designations, as they are discovered, and will maintain a publicly available list of all recognized genes and alleles by using the International ImMunoGeneTics Project and its Immuno Polymorphism Database/MHC (IPD/MHC) sequence database for MHC sequences in veterinary species.

Tissue Antigens. 2005:65(2) | 69 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2018-01-27
Curated by:
Yue Qi [2023-09-14]
Zhang Zhang [2022-08-01]
Qi Wang [2018-02-14]
Dong Zou [2018-02-07]