Scientific Name
Ananas bracteatus
Common Names
red pineapple, wild pineapple; Ananas bracteatus, Ananas bracteatus var. bracteatus, Ananas fritzmuelleri, Ananas sagenaria
Accession No.
GWH reannotation accession
GSA raw reads
GVM variations of the species
Submitter Organization
Haixia Institute of Science and Technology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University
yu Chen Li,
Sequence author(s)
yu Chen Li, Ray Ming, Xingtan Zhang
Released Date
Assembly Level
Draft genome in chromosome level
Genome Representation
Partial Genome ( Mitochondrion , Chloroplast )
Assembly method
Newbler unpublished
Anytag unpublished
Sequencing & coverage
PacBio 58.0
Illumina HiSeq *10 100.0
Liyu Chen, et al. The bracteatus pineapple genome and domestication of clonally propagated crops. Nature Genetics. 2019, 51:1549–1558.
Assembly Accession GWH Reannotation Accession Assembly Name Assembly Level Released Date Download Files
GWHAAFI00000000 - Acb.HiCasm Draft genome in chromosome level 2019-03-04 DNA GFF RNA Protein
GWHAAFI00000000.1 - F153 Draft genome in chromosome level 2019-06-13 DNA GFF RNA Protein

Statistics of Genome Assembly

Genome size (bp) 315,839,004
GC content 37.72%
Chromosomes sequence No. 25
Annotation of Whole Genome Assembly
Protein Others Total
Chromosome 26,726 3 26,729
Total 26,726 3 26,729
Annotation Details
ChrID Protein Others Total
chr1 805 0 805
chr10 1,260 0 1,260
chr11 1,003 0 1,003
chr12 1,023 0 1,023
chr13 1,149 0 1,149
chr14 904 0 904
chr15 1,013 0 1,013
chr16 992 0 992
chr17 850 0 850
chr18 960 0 960
chr19 944 0 944
chr2 1,229 0 1,229
chr20 853 0 853
chr21 895 0 895
chr22 885 0 885
chr23 878 0 878
chr24 711 0 711
chr25 978 0 978
chr3 1,354 0 1,354
chr4 1,437 0 1,437
chr5 1,500 0 1,500
chr6 1,361 0 1,361
chr7 1,183 2 1,185
chr8 1,317 1 1,318
chr9 1,242 0 1,242
Total 26,726 3 26,729