Experiment information
Accession CRX152783
Organism Micromonospora
Title LHW63014
BioProject PRJCA003409
BioSample SAMC236927
Platform PacBio Sequel
Library name Construction protocol Strategy Source Selection Layout
Genomic DNA was sheared, then 10 Kb(20 Kb if the genome size larger than 30M) double-stranded DNA fragments was selected. DNA fragments were end repaired and ligated with universal hairpin adapters. Subsequent steps were followed as per the manufacture’s instruction to prepare SMRTbell library. The library was sequenced in PacBio RSII/Sequel SMRT[1] instrument. WGS GENOMIC RANDOM SINGLE
Release date2020-09-11
Run accession Run data file information
File nameFile size (MB)
CRR180357 CRR180357.bam 5,012.45
SubmitterYang Xue (1520yang@sina.com)
OrganizationQilu Medical University
Date submitted2020-09-09
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