A Pig BodyMap Transcriptome Reveals Diverse Tissue Physiologies and Evolutionary Dynamics of Transcription
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A comprehensive transcriptome survey of pig, provides information essential for a complete understanding of the mechanisms of tissue specialization that underlies economic traits in pig and accelerate the use of pig as a biomedical model. We enhanced the definition of four distinct transcripts and characterize the features and variability with respect to the known physiology of tissues. We demonstrated the extraordinary diversity among 47 anatomically distinct skeletal muscles and six adipose depots, which link to their diverse origins, metabolic features, heterogeneous composition. We also jointly analysed the long-range regulation of promoters by their enhancers with downstream transcription in subcutaneous adiposes for six mammals, and illuminated the evolutionary stability of transcription is mainly contribute to the multiple enhancers serve to buffer transcriptional patterns for a target protein coding gene against genetic perturbations, thereby conferring robustness during speciation.
Data Accessibility:   
Controlled access Request Data
Study type:
HiC and Transcruptome
Data Access Committee

For each controlled access study, there is a corresponding Data Access Committee(DAC) to determine the access permissions. Access to actual data files is not managed by NGDC.

DAC name:
Contact person:
Jin Long
DAC-AGRG (DAC of animal genomics research group): This data access committee (DAC) have the responsibility of reviewing and assessing access requests, and protect data of this project that has ethical or privacy implications.
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Jin Long /
Organization:   Sichuan Agricultural University
Submission date:   2020-10-22
Requests:   -