Whole transcriptome sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with COVID-19
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Understanding the process of immune remodeling and regulation in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients from hospitalization to rehabilitation is crucial for therapy of patients with COVID-19. Here, we performed a longitudinal whole-transcriptome RNA sequencing on peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) samples of 18 patients with mild, moderate or severe COVID-19 symptoms during the treatment, convalescence and rehabilitation stages. Robust T-cell activation and differentiation at the whole transcriptome level constituted the main events during the recovery process of COVID-19. The formation of this T cell immune memory had the characteristics of multi-directional and multi-level regulation, and presented a higher early differentiation in mild patients. These findings uncovered the dynamic pattern of immune responses and indicated the key role of T cell immunity in the formation of immune protection against COVID-19.
Data Accessibility:   
Open access
Study type:
Disease Study
Disease name:
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Xu Min /
Organization:   Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date:   2020-09-01