The homolog information comes from NCBI Homolog. Gene Associated Human Disease comes from NCBI OMIM

Homolog Group ID Organism Symbol Gene Links Genetic Location Genome Coordinates (dog and human only) Associated Human Diseases
82325 Human LCORL HGNC:30776 (HGNC)
254251 (Entrez Gene)
611799 (OMIM)
4p15.31 4: 17841186-18023286 (-)
Reference GRCh38.p13 Primary Assembly(NC_000004.12)
82325 Cow LCORL 540095 (Entrez Gene)
ENSBTAG00000046561 (Ensembl)
- 6: 37377805-37557144 (-)
Reference ARS-UCD1.2 Primary Assembly(NC_037333.1)
82325 Mouse Lcorl 209707 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMUSG00000015882 (Ensembl)
5|5_B3 5: 45854522-46015212 (-)
Reference GRCm39 C57BL/6J(NC_000071.7)
82325 Rat Lcorl 498385 (Entrez Gene)
ENSRNOG00000003787 (Ensembl)
14q11 14: 65271338-65407731 (+)
Reference mRatBN7.2 Primary Assembly(NC_051349.1)
82325 Chicken LCORL 422820 (Entrez Gene)
ENSGALG00000014421 (Ensembl)
- 4: 75353869-75426495 (+)
Reference bGalGal1.mat.broiler.GRCg7b Primary Assembly(NC_052535.1)
82325 Macaque LCORL 715285 (Entrez Gene)
ENSMMUG00000018073 (Ensembl)
- 5: 16842609-17019775 (-)
Reference Mmul 10 Primary Assembly(NC_041758.1)
82325 Chimpanzee LCORL 461135 (Entrez Gene)
ENSPTRG00000052306 (Ensembl)
- 4: 17332013-17514213 (-)
Reference Clint PTRv2 Primary Assembly(NC_036883.1)
82325 Zebrafish lcorl 558430 (Entrez Gene)
ENSDARG00000070098 (Ensembl)
- 1: 23573221-23595969 (-)
Reference GRCz11 Primary Assembly(NC_007112.7)