The detail information of Calvarial hyperostosis syndrome
Basic Information

Another Name: idiopathic calvarial hyperostosis

Abbreviated Name: CHS

Disease Description: Calvarial hyperostosis syndrome (CHS) is a rare, non-neoplastic, proliferative bone disease of the flat bones of the skull.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The lesions of CHS are initially painful, but self-limiting with skeletal maturity

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: treatment is aimed at relieving pain.

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
There are associated breeds.
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2000 Pastor,K.F.,Boulay,J.P.,Schelling,S.H.,Carpenter,J.L.: :
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