The detail information of Choroidal hypoplasia
Basic Information

Another Name: Collie Eye Anomaly

Abbreviated Name: CH

Disease Description: Improper development of a part of the eye.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The clinical phenotype – can vary greatly among affected dogs within one breed, between parent and offspring and even within a litter. This creates a difficult situation for the breeder. The primary problem is choroidal hypoplasia (CH). There is under-development (hypoplasia) of the eye tissue layer called the choroid. The choroid appears pale and thin, almost transparent, and the blood vessels of the choroid can easily be recognized in those “thin” areas. The ophthalmologist, looking at the back of the eye (the fundus) with an ophthalmoscope, typically will see an area of choroidal thinning that appears like a “window” to the underlying vessels and sclera.

Disease Cause: It is a recessively inherited eye disorder

Disease Diagnose: The genetic test for CEA/CH provides a powerful management tool for the breeder. This genetic test can distinguish all three genetic states – normal, carrier and affected.Understandably, genetic testing will be a difficult tool to use for some breeders of “standard” collies (i.e., Rough, Smooth, Show, Standard) where the disease is very common

Treat Method: -

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB217 Japanese Shiba Inu Alert, active, and attentive 35.6-43.2 cm (male), 33-40.6 cm (female) 8.2-10.9 kg (male), 6.8-9.1 kg (female) Japan
2003 Lowe JK, Kukekova AV, Kirkness EF, Langlois MC, Aguirre GD, Acland GM, Ostrander EA. :
Linkage Mapping of the Primary Disease Locus for Collie Eye Anomaly. Genomics Jul;82
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