The detail information of Zinc deficiency
Basic Information

Another Name: zinc responsive dermatosis

Disease Description: Can be caused by dietary problems, but also from an inability to utilize and store zinc properly. Seen as a lethal problem called acrodermatitis in bull terriers.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The main symptom of zinc deficiency is the presence of skin lesions, or the so-called zinc responsive dermatosis. The symptoms may be different in Huskies, Malamutes or puppies kept on an inadequate diet (high in calcium content, low in zinc content). Some zinc deficiency symptoms are:Alopecia (hair loss);Scaling/crusting of the skin around the face, head and legs (paw pads);Occasional purulent exudation around the eyes and mouth. Besides these symptoms, puppies kept on a deficient diet can have some other symptoms as well:Diminished cellular immunity;Internal infection such as pneumonia;Anorexia;Depression and lethargy

Disease Cause: -

Disease Diagnose: -

Treat Method: A good natural zinc source is meat. Compared to the zinc concentration of plants, the difference in percentage is considerable.Puppies and dogs from the northern breeds should get supplements containing extra zinc. You can find products for improving your pet's skin and hair condition on the market. Look for high-quality vitamins and fatty acid supplements as well, which can be combined with zinc supplements.

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB58 English Bulldog Calm, courageous, and friendly; dignified but amusing. 35.6-38.1 cm 22.7 kg (male), 18.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
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