The detail information of Abnormal dentition
Basic Information

Disease Description: Abnormal dentition in dogs is described as a disturbance in the size, shape, amount, eruption, and placement of teeth.

Inherit Mode: -

Disease Symptom: The most common symptoms are: Loose tooth or teeth ;Pain when eating; Whining; Drinking more water than usual; Discolored teeth ;Vomiting; Sores or ulcers on the gums; Sores under or on tongue ;Appetite loss; Pawing at the face ;Infection (swelling of the face and mouth, constant vocalization, high body temperature)

Disease Cause: There are many reasons for abnormal dentition, but the most common are: Congenital defect; Trauma to jaw or face; Cavities (tooth decay); Some of the dogs with higher susceptibility to abnormal dentition are: Outside dogs (spend most of their day outside) ;Brachycephalic breeds (flat faces), including Boston Terrier, Bulldog, Pekingese, Pug, and Shih Tzu; Breeds with inherited disorders, such as the Siberian Husky and Shetland Sheepdogs

Disease Diagnose: Diagnosing abnormal dentition is pretty easily done by a professional veterinarian or canine dentist. A physical examination is done first, followed by dental x-rays and maybe CT scans or an MRI.

Treat Method: The treatment for abnormal dentition varies, according to what the abnormality is. In hereditary situations, the only reason to fix what is wrong is if your dog is in serious pain, if it affects eating, drinking, or breathing, and if there is risk of infection. Here are some of the treatment plans:Tooth extractions;Periodontal Surgery;Medication;Observation

Breeder Advice: -

Disease Description Source: Link

Associated Diseases
There are no associated diseases in OMIA/CIDD.
Associated Breeds
iDog Breed Number Breed Name Personality Height Weight Breed Source
CB49 Boykin Spaniel Friendly, eager, trainable, lovable 39.4-45.7 cm (male), 35.6-41.9 cm (female) 13.6-18.1 kg (male), 11.3-15.9 kg (female) United States
CB58 English Bulldog Calm, courageous, and friendly; dignified but amusing. 35.6-38.1 cm 22.7 kg (male), 18.1 kg (female) United Kingdom (England)
CB60 Cairn Terrier Cheerful, alert, busy and independent-minded 25.4 cm (male), 24.1 cm (female) 6.4 kg (male), 5.9 kg (female) United Kingdom (Scotland)
CB86 Danish-Swedish Farmdog Energetic, Trainable, Attentive 34-37cm (male), 32-35 cm (female) 6.8-9 kg Denmark, Sweden
CB89 Dogo Argentino Loyal, trustworthy,courageous 61-68.6 cm (male), 59.7-66 cm (female) 36.3-45.4 kg Argentina
CB148 Lagotto Romagnolo(Romagna Water Dog) Easygoing, affectionate, and eager to please 43.2-48.3 cm (male), 40.6-45.7 cm (female) 12.9-15.9 kg (male), 10.9-14.1 kg (female) Italy
CB228 Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier Happy, friendly, and deeply devoted; just stubborn enough to remind you they’re terriers 45.7-48.3 cm (male), 43.2-45.7 cm (female) 15.9-18.1 kg (male), 13.6-15.9 kg (female) Ireland
CB258 Wire-Haired Pointing Griffon Outgoing, eager, quick-minded; trustworthy in the field and around the house Netherlands, France
There are no references.