miRNA ID Editing Sites Enzyme Editing Type Molecular Consequence Editing-Level Target Change Correlation Phenotype Disease
hsa-mir-214 2 ADAR2 U-to-C miRNA and its target gene expression change Increased
  • Rab15->Rab15
- Occur in tumor
hsa-mir-122 1 ADAR2 A-to-I miRNA and its target gene expression change Increased
  • -
- Occur in tumor
hsa-miR-200b 1 ADAR1;ADAR2 A-to-I - Increased
  • TP53->TP53
  • CDH1->CDH1
  • ZEB1->ZEB1
  • ZEB2->ZEB2
- Inhibit survival capability
hsa-miR-99a 1 ADAR1;ADAR3 A-to-I - Increased
  • TP53->TP53
  • MAP3K1->MAP3K1
Positive Affect disease
hsa-miR-376a 1 ADAR1 A-to-I Retargeting of miRNA Increased
Positive Promote tumor migration and invasion
hsa-miR-455-5p 2 ADAR1 A-to-I Target gene expression change Absent
  • CPEB1->CPEB1
Negative Inhibit tumor growth and metastasis
hsa-let-7a-1 2 ADAR1 A-to-I Regulate miRNA biogenesis Increased
  • -
Negative Promote survival capability
hsa-miR-132-3p 2 - A-to-I miRNA expression change Increased
  • -
Positive Affect disease
hsa-mir-27b 1 - A-to-I - Increased
  • -
Positive Promote plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein
hsa-miR-605 1 - A-to-I - Increased
  • -
Positive Promote plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein
hsa-miR-378a-3p 1 ADAR1 A-to-I Target gene expression change Increased
Positive Inhibit tumor progression
hsa-miR-589-3p 3 ADAR2 A-to-I Retargeting of miRNA Increased
  • PCDH9->ADAM12
Negative Inhibit tumor proliferation, migration and invasion
hsa-miR-221 2 ADAR2 A-to-I miRNA expression change Increased
  • -
Positive Affect tumor migration and invasion
hsa-miR-222 2 ADAR2 A-to-I miRNA expression change Increased
  • -
Positive Affect tumor migration and invasion
hsa-miR-381 2 ADAR2 A-to-I miRNA expression change Increased
  • -
Positive Affect tumor migration and invasion
hsa-miR-142-3p 1 ADAR2 U-to-C miRNA expression change Increased
  • -
Positive Affect cell migration and proliferation
has-mir-3157 1 ADAR1 A-to-G miRNA and its target gene expression change Increase
  • NA
Positive Affect the pathogenesis of the disease
has-mir-6503 1 ADAR1 A-to-G miRNA and its target gene expression change Increase
  • NA
Positive Affect the pathogenesis of the disease
has-mir-200b 1 ADAR1 A-to-G miRNA and its target gene expression change Increase
  • NA->ZEB1
Positive Its levels of editing correlate with a worse progression-free survival and disease stage
has-mir-149 1 ADAR1 A-to-G miRNA and its target gene expression change Increase
  • GSK3α
Positive miRNA-149 is considered as both a bio-marker and a therapeutic target for treatment of mel