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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Tupaia belangeri transcriptome database by whole-genome and comprehensive RNA sequencing
Description: The northern tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) possesses high potential as an animal model of human diseases and biology, given its genetic similarity to primates. Although genetic information on the tree shrew has already been published, some of the entire coding sequences (CDSs) of tree shrew genes remained incomplete, and the reliability of these CDSs remained difficult to determine. To improve the determination of tree shrew CDSs, we performed sequencing of the whole-genome, mRNA, and total RNA and integrated the resulting data. Additionally, we established criteria for the selection of reliable CDSs and annotated these sequences by comparison to the human transcriptome, resulting in the identification of complete CDSs for 12,612 tree shrew genes and yielding a more accurate tree shrew genome database (TupaiaBase: ).
Year founded: 2019
Last update:
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Country/Region: Japan

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Contact information

University/Institution: Kagoshima University
Address: Transboundary Animal Diseases Centre, Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Kagoshima University, 1-21-24, Korimoto, Kagoshima, Kagoshima 890-0065 Japan
Country/Region: Japan
Contact name (PI/Team): Kyoko Tsukiyama-Kohara
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


Construction of complete Tupaia belangeri transcriptome database by whole-genome and comprehensive RNA sequencing. [PMID: 31451757]
Takahiro Sanada, Kyoko Tsukiyama-Kohara, Tadasu Shin-I, Naoki Yamamoto, Mohammad Enamul Hoque Kayesh, Daisuke Yamane, Jun-Ichiro Takano, Yumiko Shiogama, Yasuhiro Yasutomi, Kazuho Ikeo, Takashi Gojobori, Masashi Mizokami, Michinori Kohara

The northern tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) possesses high potential as an animal model of human diseases and biology, given its genetic similarity to primates. Although genetic information on the tree shrew has already been published, some of the entire coding sequences (CDSs) of tree shrew genes remained incomplete, and the reliability of these CDSs remained difficult to determine. To improve the determination of tree shrew CDSs, we performed sequencing of the whole-genome, mRNA, and total RNA and integrated the resulting data. Additionally, we established criteria for the selection of reliable CDSs and annotated these sequences by comparison to the human transcriptome, resulting in the identification of complete CDSs for 12,612 tree shrew genes and yielding a more accurate tree shrew genome database (TupaiaBase: ). Transcriptome profiles in hepatitis B virus infected tree shrew livers were analyzed for validation. Gene ontology analysis showed enriched transcriptional regulation at 1 day post-infection, namely in the "type I interferon signaling pathway". Moreover, a negative regulator of type I interferon, SOCS3, was induced. This work, which provides a tree shrew CDS database based on genomic DNA and RNA sequencing, is expected to serve as a powerful tool for further development of the tree shrew model.

Sci Rep. 2019:9(1) | 13 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2019-10-26
Curated by:
irfan Hussain [2019-11-18]
Amjad Ali [2019-10-26]