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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: The Mouse Liver Portal contains the liver's proteomics data under different physiology and pathology conditions, such as different gender, age, circadian rhythm, cell type and different phase of partial hepatectomy, non-alcoholic fatty liver. This portal provides the changes in proteins' expression in different conditions of the liver, differently expressed proteins and the biological processes which they are involved in, potential signal transduction and regulatory networks. As the most comprehensive mouse liver proteome database, it can provide important resources and clues for liver biology research
Year founded: 2019
Last update:
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Country/Region: China

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Contact information

University/Institution: Fudan University
Address: Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China.
City: Shanghai
Province/State: Shanghai
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Chen Ding
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


[Mouse liver proteome database]. [PMID: 31559753]
Yang Liu, Jinwen Feng, Wanlin Liu, Jun Qin, Chen Ding, Fuchu He

The liver is the metabolic center of mammalian body. Systematic study on liver's proteome expression under different physiological and pathological conditions helps us understand the functional mechanisms of the liver. With the rapid development of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry technique, numerous studies on liver physiology and pathology features produced a large number of proteomics data. In this paper, 834 proteomics experiments of mouse liver were systematically collected and the mouse liver proteome database (Mouse Liver Portal, was established. The Mouse Liver Portal contains the liver's proteomics data under different physiology and pathology conditions, such as different gender, age, circadian rhythm, cell type and different phase of partial hepatectomy, non-alcoholic fatty liver. This portal provides the changes in proteins' expression in different conditions of the liver, differently expressed proteins and the biological processes which they are involved in, potential signal transduction and regulatory networks. As the most comprehensive mouse liver proteome database, it can provide important resources and clues for liver biology research.

Sheng Wu Gong Cheng Xue Bao. 2019:35(9) | 0 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)



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Created on: 2019-10-26
Curated by:
irfan Hussain [2019-11-18]
Amjad Ali [2019-10-26]