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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Autophagic Compound Database
Description: The mission of Autophagic Compound Database (ACDB) is to provide researchers with a high-quality resource of autophagy-related compounds and functional information. ACDB can provide a comprehensive understanding of target, signaling pathways, related cells, diseases for submitted compounds. ACDB can be applied for autophagy-related compounds and autophagy researches as a bioinformatic tool.
Year founded: 2018
Last update:
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Country/Region: China

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Contact information

University/Institution: Sichuan University
Address: Collaborative Innovation Center, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
City: Chengdu
Province/State: Sichuan
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Bo Liu
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


Autophagic compound database: A resource connecting autophagy-modulating compounds, their potential targets and relevant diseases. [PMID: 29094410]
Deng Y, Zhu L, Cai H, Wang G, Liu B.

OBJECTIVES: Autophagy, a highly conserved lysosomal degradation process in eukaryotic cells, can digest long-lived proteins and damaged organelles through vesicular trafficking pathways. Nowadays, mechanisms of autophagy have been gradually elucidated and thus the discovery of small-molecule drugs targeting autophagy has always been drawing much attention. So far, some autophagy-related web servers have been available online to facilitate scientists to obtain the information relevant to autophagy conveniently, such as HADb, CTLPScanner, iLIR server and ncRDeathDB. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is not any web server available about the autophagy-modulating compounds.
METHODS: According to published articles, all the compounds and their relations with autophagy were anatomized. Subsequently, an online Autophagic Compound Database (ACDB) ( was constructed, which contained information of 357 compounds with 164 corresponding signalling pathways and potential targets in different diseases.
RESULTS: We achieved a great deal of information of autophagy-modulating compounds, including compounds, targets/pathways and diseases. ACDB is a valuable resource for users to access to more than 300 curated small-molecule compounds correlated with autophagy.
CONCLUSIONS: Autophagic compound database will facilitate to the discovery of more novel therapeutic drugs in the near future.

Cell Prolif. 2018:51(3) | 22 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)


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Created on: 2018-02-10
Curated by:
Syed Sardar [2018-04-11]
Yang Zhang [2018-02-09]