Database Commons
Database Commons

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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Neal's DNA Mutation Site
Description: The database was created for the analysis of DNA mutations at the humanp53gene, the humanhprtgene and both the rodent transgeniclacIandlacZlocus.
Year founded: 1996
Last update:
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: United States

Classification & Tag

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Data object:
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Contact information

University/Institution: Glaxo Wellcome
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): Neal F. Cariello
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


Databases and software for the analysis of mutations in the human p53 gene, the human hprt gene and both the lacI and lacZ gene in transgenic rodents. [PMID: 9016522]
Cariello NF, Douglas GR, Dycaico MJ, Gorelick NJ, Provost GS, Soussi T.

We have created databases and software applications for the analysis of DNA mutations at the humanp53gene, the humanhprtgene and both the rodent transgeniclacIandlacZlocus. The databases themselves are stand-alone dBASE files and the software for analysis of the databases runs on IBM-compatible computers. Each database has a separate software analysis program. The software created for these databases permit the filtering, ordering, report generation and display of information in the database. In addition, a significant number of routines have been developed for the analysis of single base substitutions. One method of obtaining the databases and software is via the World Wide Web (WWW). Open the following home page with a Web Browser: ml . Alternatively, the databases and programs are available via public FTP from: . There is no password required to enter the system. The databases and software are found beneath the subdirectory: pub/academic/biology/dna-mutations. Two other programs are available at the site-a program for comparison of mutational spectra and a program for entry of mutational data into a relational database.

Nucleic Acids Res. 1997:25(1) | 13 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
Databases and software for the analysis of mutations in the human p53 gene, the human hprt gene and the lacZ gene in transgenic rodents. [PMID: 8594557]
Cariello NF, Douglas GR, Soussi T.

We have created databases and software applications for the analysis of DNA mutations in the human p53 gene, the human hprt gene and the rodent transgenic lacZ locus. The databases themselves are stand-alone dBase files and the software for analysis of the databases runs on IBM- compatible computers. The software created for these databases permits filtering, ordering, report generation and display of information in the database. In addition, a significant number of routines have been developed for the analysis of single base substitutions. One method of obtaining the databases and software is via the World Wide Web (WWW). Open home page ml with a WWW browser. Alternatively, the databases and programs are available via public ftp from There is no password required to enter the system. The databases and software are found in subdirectory pub/academic/biology/dna-mutations. Two other programs are available at the WWW site, a program for comparison of mutational spectra and a program for entry of mutational data into a relational database.

Nucleic Acids Res. 1996:24(1) | 19 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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580/852 (32.042%)
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Created on: 2018-02-08
Curated by:
Mengyu Pan [2018-09-21]
Yang Zhang [2018-02-26]
Pei Wang [2018-02-08]