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General information

Full name: The Eukaryotic Linear Motif Resource
Description: The eukaryotic linear motif resource is a hub for collecting, classifying and curating information about short linear motifs (SLiMs)
Year founded: 2003
Last update: 2015-11-28
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Germany

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Contact information

University/Institution: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Address: Structural and Computational Biology,European Molecular Biology Laboratory,Meyerhofstrasse 1,69117 Heidelberg,Germany
City: Heidelberg
Country/Region: Germany
Contact name (PI/Team): Toby J. Gibson
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


The Eukaryotic Linear Motif resource: 2022 release. [PMID: 34718738]
Manjeet Kumar, Sushama Michael, Jesús Alvarado-Valverde, Bálint Mészáros, Hugo Sámano-Sánchez, András Zeke, Laszlo Dobson, Tamas Lazar, Mihkel Örd, Anurag Nagpal, Nazanin Farahi, Melanie Käser, Ramya Kraleti, Norman E Davey, Rita Pancsa, Lucía B Chemes, Toby J Gibson

Almost twenty years after its initial release, the Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) resource remains an invaluable source of information for the study of motif-mediated protein-protein interactions. ELM provides a comprehensive, regularly updated and well-organised repository of manually curated, experimentally validated short linear motifs (SLiMs). An increasing number of SLiM-mediated interactions are discovered each year and keeping the resource up-to-date continues to be a great challenge. In the current update, 30 novel motif classes have been added and five existing classes have undergone major revisions. The update includes 411 new motif instances mostly focused on cell-cycle regulation, control of the actin cytoskeleton, membrane remodelling and vesicle trafficking pathways, liquid-liquid phase separation and integrin signalling. Many of the newly annotated motif-mediated interactions are targets of pathogenic motif mimicry by viral, bacterial or eukaryotic pathogens, providing invaluable insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying infectious diseases. The current ELM release includes 317 motif classes incorporating 3934 individual motif instances manually curated from 3867 scientific publications. ELM is available at:

Nucleic Acids Res. 2022:50(D1) | 72 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)
ELM-the eukaryotic linear motif resource in 2020. [PMID: 31680160]
Kumar M, Kumar M, Gouw M, Michael S, Sámano-Sánchez H, Pancsa R, Glavina J, Diakogianni A, Valverde JA, Bukirova D, Čalyševa J, Palopoli N, Davey NE, Chemes LB, Gibson TJ.

The eukaryotic linear motif (ELM) resource is a repository of manually curated experimentally validated short linear motifs (SLiMs). Since the initial release almost 20 years ago, ELM has become an indispensable resource for the molecular biology community for investigating functional regions in many proteins. In this update, we have added 21 novel motif classes, made major revisions to 12 motif classes and added >400 new instances mostly focused on DNA damage, the cytoskeleton, SH2-binding phosphotyrosine motifs and motif mimicry by pathogenic bacterial effector proteins. The current release of the ELM database contains 289 motif classes and 3523 individual protein motif instances manually curated from 3467 scientific publications. ELM is available at:

Nucleic Acids Res. 2020:48(D1) | 159 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)
ELM 2016--data update and new functionality of the eukaryotic linear motif resource. [PMID: 26615199]
Dinkel H, Van Roey K, Michael S, Kumar M, Uyar B, Altenberg B, Milchevskaya V, Schneider M, Kühn H, Behrendt A, Dahl SL, Damerell V, Diebel S, Kalman S, Klein S, Knudsen AC, Mäder C, Merrill S, Staudt A, Thiel V, Welti L, Davey NE, Diella F, Gibson TJ.

The Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) resource ( is a manually curated database of short linear motifs (SLiMs). In this update, we present the latest additions to this resource, along with more improvements to the web interface. ELM 2016 contains more than 240 different motif classes with over 2700 experimentally validated instances, manually curated from more than 2400 scientific publications. In addition, more data have been made available as individually searchable pages and are downloadable in various formats. © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2016:44(D1) | 181 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)
The eukaryotic linear motif resource ELM: 10 years and counting. [PMID: 24214962]
Dinkel H, Van Roey K, Michael S, Davey NE, Weatheritt RJ, Born D, Speck T, Krüger D, Grebnev G, Kuban M, Strumillo M, Uyar B, Budd A, Altenberg B, Seiler M, Chemes LB, Glavina J, Sánchez IE, Diella F, Gibson TJ.

The eukaryotic linear motif (ELM resource is a hub for collecting, classifying and curating information about short linear motifs (SLiMs). For >10 years, this resource has provided the scientific community with a freely accessible guide to the biology and function of linear motifs. The current version of ELM contains ?200 different motif classes with over 2400 experimentally validated instances manually curated from >2000 scientific publications. Furthermore, detailed information about motif-mediated interactions has been annotated and made available in standard exchange formats. Where appropriate, links are provided to resources such as and KEGG pathways.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2014:42(Database issue) | 191 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-13)
ELM--the database of eukaryotic linear motifs. [PMID: 22110040]
Dinkel H, Michael S, Weatheritt RJ, Davey NE, Van Roey K, Altenberg B, Toedt G, Uyar B, Seiler M, Budd A, Jödicke L, Dammert MA, Schroeter C, Hammer M, Schmidt T, Jehl P, McGuigan C, Dymecka M, Chica C, Luck K, Via A, Chatr-Aryamontri A, Haslam N, Grebnev G, Edwards RJ, Steinmetz MO, Meiselbach H, Diella F, Gibson TJ.

Linear motifs are short, evolutionarily plastic components of regulatory proteins and provide low-affinity interaction interfaces. These compact modules play central roles in mediating every aspect of the regulatory functionality of the cell. They are particularly prominent in mediating cell signaling, controlling protein turnover and directing protein localization. Given their importance, our understanding of motifs is surprisingly limited, largely as a result of the difficulty of discovery, both experimentally and computationally. The Eukaryotic Linear Motif (ELM) resource at provides the biological community with a comprehensive database of known experimentally validated motifs, and an exploratory tool to discover putative linear motifs in user-submitted protein sequences. The current update of the ELM database comprises 1800 annotated motif instances representing 170 distinct functional classes, including approximately 500 novel instances and 24 novel classes. Several older motif class entries have been also revisited, improving annotation and adding novel instances. Furthermore, addition of full-text search capabilities, an enhanced interface and simplified batch download has improved the overall accessibility of the ELM data. The motif discovery portion of the ELM resource has added conservation, and structural attributes have been incorporated to aid users to discriminate biologically relevant motifs from stochastically occurring non-functional instances.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2012:40(Database issue) | 212 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-13)
ELM: the status of the 2010 eukaryotic linear motif resource. [PMID: 19920119]
Gould CM, Diella F, Via A, Puntervoll P, Gemünd C, Chabanis-Davidson S, Michael S, Sayadi A, Bryne JC, Chica C, Seiler M, Davey NE, Haslam N, Weatheritt RJ, Budd A, Hughes T, Pas J, Rychlewski L, Travé G, Aasland R, Helmer-Citterich M, Linding R, Gibson TJ.

Linear motifs are short segments of multidomain proteins that provide regulatory functions independently of protein tertiary structure. Much of intracellular signalling passes through protein modifications at linear motifs. Many thousands of linear motif instances, most notably phosphorylation sites, have now been reported. Although clearly very abundant, linear motifs are difficult to predict de novo in protein sequences due to the difficulty of obtaining robust statistical assessments. The ELM resource at provides an expanding knowledge base, currently covering 146 known motifs, with annotation that includes >1300 experimentally reported instances. ELM is also an exploratory tool for suggesting new candidates of known linear motifs in proteins of interest. Information about protein domains, protein structure and native disorder, cellular and taxonomic contexts is used to reduce or deprecate false positive matches. Results are graphically displayed in a 'Bar Code' format, which also displays known instances from homologous proteins through a novel 'Instance Mapper' protocol based on PHI-BLAST. ELM server output provides links to the ELM annotation as well as to a number of remote resources. Using the links, researchers can explore the motifs, proteins, complex structures and associated literature to evaluate whether candidate motifs might be worth experimental investigation.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2010:38(Database issue) | 155 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)
ELM server: A new resource for investigating short functional sites in modular eukaryotic proteins. [PMID: 12824381]
Puntervoll P, Linding R, Gemünd C, Chabanis-Davidson S, Mattingsdal M, Cameron S, Martin DM, Ausiello G, Brannetti B, Costantini A, Ferrè F, Maselli V, Via A, Cesareni G, Diella F, Superti-Furga G, Wyrwicz L, Ramu C, McGuigan C, Gudavalli R, Letunic I, Bork P, Rychlewski L, Küster B, Helmer-Citterich M, Hunter WN, Aasland R, Gibson TJ.

Multidomain proteins predominate in eukaryotic proteomes. Individual functions assigned to different sequence segments combine to create a complex function for the whole protein. While on-line resources are available for revealing globular domains in sequences, there has hitherto been no comprehensive collection of small functional sites/motifs comparable to the globular domain resources, yet these are as important for the function of multidomain proteins. Short linear peptide motifs are used for cell compartment targeting, protein-protein interaction, regulation by phosphorylation, acetylation, glycosylation and a host of other post-translational modifications. ELM, the Eukaryotic Linear Motif server at, is a new bioinformatics resource for investigating candidate short non-globular functional motifs in eukaryotic proteins, aiming to fill the void in bioinformatics tools. Sequence comparisons with short motifs are difficult to evaluate because the usual significance assessments are inappropriate. Therefore the server is implemented with several logical filters to eliminate false positives. Current filters are for cell compartment, globular domain clash and taxonomic range. In favourable cases, the filters can reduce the number of retained matches by an order of magnitude or more.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2003:31(13) | 396 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
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Lina Ma [2016-04-11]
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Jian Sang [2015-12-08]
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Jian Sang [2015-06-27]