Database Commons
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Database Profile

General information

Full name: a database of regulatory sequences and interactions
Description: RegTransBase is a manually curated database of regulatory interactions in prokaryotes that captures the knowledge in public scientific literature using a controlled vocabulary.
Year founded: 2007
Last update: 2013-02-13
Version: v7.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: United States

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of California Davis
Address: Davis, CA 95616, USA
City: Berkeley
Province/State: CA
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): Inna Dubchak
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


RegTransBase--a database of regulatory sequences and interactions based on literature: a resource for investigating transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes. [PMID: 23547897]
Cipriano MJ, Novichkov PN, Kazakov AE, Rodionov DA, Arkin AP, Gelfand MS, Dubchak I.

Due to the constantly growing number of sequenced microbial genomes, comparative genomics has been playing a major role in the investigation of regulatory interactions in bacteria. Regulon inference mostly remains a field of semi-manual examination since absence of a knowledgebase and informatics platform for automated and systematic investigation restricts opportunities for computational prediction. Additionally, confirming computationally inferred regulons by experimental data is critically important. RegTransBase is an open-access platform with a user-friendly web interface publicly available at It consists of two databases - a manually collected hierarchical regulatory interactions database based on more than 7000 scientific papers which can serve as a knowledgebase for verification of predictions, and a large set of curated by experts transcription factor binding sites used in regulon inference by a variety of tools. RegTransBase captures the knowledge from published scientific literature using controlled vocabularies and contains various types of experimental data, such as: the activation or repression of transcription by an identified direct regulator; determination of the transcriptional regulatory function of a protein (or RNA) directly binding to DNA or RNA; mapping of binding sites for a regulatory protein; characterization of regulatory mutations. Analysis of the data collected from literature resulted in the creation of Putative Regulons from Experimental Data that are also available in RegTransBase. RegTransBase is a powerful user-friendly platform for the investigation of regulation in prokaryotes. It uses a collection of validated regulatory sequences that can be easily extracted and used to infer regulatory interactions by comparative genomics techniques thus assisting researchers in the interpretation of transcriptional regulation data.

BMC Genomics. 2013:14() | 40 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)
RegTransBase--a database of regulatory sequences and interactions in a wide range of prokaryotic genomes. [PMID: 17142223]
Kazakov AE, Cipriano MJ, Novichkov PS, Minovitsky S, Vinogradov DV, Arkin A, Mironov AA, Gelfand MS, Dubchak I.

RegTransBase is a manually curated database of regulatory interactions in prokaryotes that captures the knowledge in public scientific literature using a controlled vocabulary. Although several databases describing interactions between regulatory proteins and their binding sites are already being maintained, they either focus mostly on the model organisms Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis or are entirely computationally derived. RegTransBase describes a large number of regulatory interactions reported in many organisms and contains the following types of experimental data: the activation or repression of transcription by an identified direct regulator, determining the transcriptional regulatory function of a protein (or RNA) directly binding to DNA (RNA), mapping or prediction of a binding site for a regulatory protein and characterization of regulatory mutations. Currently, RegTransBase content is derived from about 3000 relevant articles describing over 7000 experiments in relation to 128 microbes. It contains data on the regulation of about 7500 genes and evidence for 6500 interactions with 650 regulators. RegTransBase also contains manually created position weight matrices (PWM) that can be used to identify candidate regulatory sites in over 60 species. RegTransBase is available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2007:35(Database issue) | 67 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-06)


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Created on: 2015-12-18
Curated by:
Lin Xia [2016-04-01]
Mengwei Li [2016-02-21]
Zhang Zhang [2015-12-18]