LncBook 2.0 Integrating human long non-coding RNAs with multi-omics annotations

1. Conservation

1.1 #Lineage-specific lncRNA gene
1.2 LncRNA gene age distribution
1.3 Percentage of lncRNA genes with homologous genes
1.4 Distribution of lncRNA genes with homologous genes

2. Variation

2.1 Distribution of lncRNA genes with disease/trait-associated variants
2.2 Relationship between disease/trait-associated variant count and lncRNA gene length

3. Differentially methylated genes in promoter or body region acorss 16 diseases

3.1 Differentially methylated lncRNA genes
3.2 Differentially methylated protein-coding genes

4. Expression

4.1 Distribution of high capacity lncRNA genes across 9 contexts
4.2 #High capacity lncRNA genes across 9 contexts

5. Small Protein

5.1 Distribution of lncRNA genes encoding small proteins
5.2 Relationship between small protein count and lncRNA gene length
5.3 Distribution of small protein length

6. LncRNA-miRNA Interaction

6.1 Relationship between miRNA count and lncRNA gene length
6.2 Top 10 miRNAs sorted by lncRNA gene count