XPCLR Version 1
The XP-CLR package implements a composite likelihood method for detecting selective sweeps via the differentiation of two populations.
Input Parameters
How to cite
Chen H, Patterson N, Reich D. Population differentiation as a test for selective sweeps[J]. Genome Research, 2010, 20(3):393. [PMID=20086244]
Help information
XPCLR Version 1
XPCLR -genofile1 -genofile2 -mapfile -outputfile -gWin -snpWin -gridSize -chrN -p
genofile1:    genotype input for object population
genofile2:    genotype input for reference population
mapfile:    snp information file (for SNPs from a single chromosome)
outputfile:    The format is illustrated in next section.
gWin:    the size of a window (in units of Morgan). If the window size is not too small, the performance of XPCLR doesn't depend on the size. A reasonable choice is 0.005.
snpWin:    maximum # of SNPs within a window. XPCLR score depends on the number of SNPs. To make the XP-CLR scores comparable between
                 egions, it is necessary to control the maximum number of SNPs within a single window. The choice of snp # depends on the SNP density of your data.
gridSize:    the spacing between two grid points. It is in unit of bp.
chrN:    the chromosome number.
corrLevel:    the range of its value is on [0 1]. If it is on (0 1], this corrLevel value is used as a criterion in the weighted composite likelihood ratio test. If two SNPs are highly correlated (r2 > corrLevel), their contribution to XPCLR is down-weighted. If corrLevel is set to be 0, XPCLR is estimated un-weightedly.

One example of command line:
XPCLR -genofile1 CEU.9 -genofile2 YRI.9 -mapfile snp.9 -outputfile xpclr.9 -gWin 0.005 -snpWin 200 -gridSize 2000 -chrN 1 -p 0.95

Parameters Description
-IN1: Genotype file
genotype input for object population
-IN2: Genotype file
genotype input for reference population
-M: Map file
snp information file (for SNPs from a single chromosome)
-W: The size of a window
the size of a window (in units of Morgan). If the window size is not too small, the performance of XPCLR doesn't depend on the size. A reasonable choice is 0.005.
-SNP: Maximum # of SNPs within a window
the choice of snp # depends on the SNP density of your data.
-G: The spacing between two grid points
it is in unit of bp.
-C: The chromosome number.
the chromosome number.
-P: CorrLevel
the range of its value is on [0 1].
  • Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Grant No. XDB13000000
    Maintained by BIG Data Center, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.