Database Commons
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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Molecular Interaction Database
Description: A public repository for protein-protein interactions (PPI) reported in peer-reviewed journals
Year founded: 2002
Last update: 8/30/2011
Version: v1.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Italy

Classification & Tag

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of Rome Tor Vergata
Address: Via della Ricerca Scientifica,00133 Rome,Italy
City: Rome
Country/Region: Italy
Contact name (PI/Team): Leonardo Briganti
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2012 update. [PMID: 22096227]
Licata L, Briganti L, Peluso D, Perfetto L, Iannuccelli M, Galeota E, Sacco F, Palma A, Nardozza AP, Santonico E, Castagnoli L, Cesareni G.

The Molecular INTeraction Database (MINT, is a public repository for protein-protein interactions (PPI) reported in peer-reviewed journals. The database grows steadily over the years and at September 2011 contains approximately 235,000 binary interactions captured from over 4750 publications. The web interface allows the users to search, visualize and download interactions data. MINT is one of the members of the International Molecular Exchange consortium (IMEx) and adopts the Molecular Interaction Ontology of the Proteomics Standard Initiative (PSI-MI) standards for curation and data exchange. MINT data are freely accessible and downloadable at We report here the growth of the database, the major changes in curation policy and a new algorithm to assign a confidence to each interaction.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2012:40(Database issue) | 549 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
MINT, the molecular interaction database: 2009 update. [PMID: 19897547]
Ceol A, Chatr Aryamontri A, Licata L, Peluso D, Briganti L, Perfetto L, Castagnoli L, Cesareni G.

MINT ( is a public repository for molecular interactions reported in peer-reviewed journals. Since its last report, MINT has grown considerably in size and evolved in scope to meet the requirements of its users. The main changes include a more precise definition of the curation policy and the development of an enhanced and user-friendly interface to facilitate the analysis of the ever-growing interaction dataset. MINT has adopted the PSI-MI standards for the annotation and for the representation of molecular interactions and is a member of the IMEx consortium.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2010:38(Database issue) | 320 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
MINT: the Molecular INTeraction database. [PMID: 17135203]
Chatr-aryamontri A, Ceol A, Palazzi LM, Nardelli G, Schneider MV, Castagnoli L, Cesareni G.

The Molecular INTeraction database (MINT, aims at storing, in a structured format, information about molecular interactions (MIs) by extracting experimental details from work published in peer-reviewed journals. At present the MINT team focuses the curation work on physical interactions between proteins. Genetic or computationally inferred interactions are not included in the database. Over the past four years MINT has undergone extensive revision. The new version of MINT is based on a completely remodeled database structure, which offers more efficient data exploration and analysis, and is characterized by entries with a richer annotation. Over the past few years the number of curated physical interactions has soared to over 95 000. The whole dataset can be freely accessed online in both interactive and batch modes through web-based interfaces and an FTP server. MINT now includes, as an integrated addition, HomoMINT, a database of interactions between human proteins inferred from experiments with ortholog proteins in model organisms (

Nucleic Acids Res. 2007:35(Database issue) | 501 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
MINT: a Molecular INTeraction database. [PMID: 11911893]
Zanzoni A, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Quondam M, Ausiello G, Helmer-Citterich M, Cesareni G.

Protein interaction databases represent unique tools to store, in a computer readable form, the protein interaction information disseminated in the scientific literature. Well organized and easily accessible databases permit the easy retrieval and analysis of large interaction data sets. Here we present MINT, a database ( designed to store data on functional interactions between proteins. Beyond cataloguing binary complexes, MINT was conceived to store other types of functional interactions, including enzymatic modifications of one of the partners. Release 1.0 of MINT focuses on experimentally verified protein-protein interactions. Both direct and indirect relationships are considered. Furthermore, MINT aims at being exhaustive in the description of the interaction and, whenever available, information about kinetic and binding constants and about the domains participating in the interaction is included in the entry. MINT consists of entries extracted from the scientific literature by expert curators assisted by 'MINT Assistant', a software that targets abstracts containing interaction information and presents them to the curator in a user-friendly format. The interaction data can be easily extracted and viewed graphically through 'MINT Viewer'. Presently MINT contains 4568 interactions, 782 of which are indirect or genetic interactions.

FEBS Lett. 2002:513(1) | 400 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
huma shireen [2018-09-04]
Lina Ma [2018-06-08]
Lin Liu [2016-03-29]
Li Yang [2015-06-26]