Database Commons
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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: CentrosomeDB contains a set of human and fly genes encoding proteins that are localized in the centrosome.
Year founded: 2009
Last update: NA
Version: v1.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Spain

Classification & Tag

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Contact information

University/Institution: Spanish National Research Council
Address: Madrid 28049,Spain
City: Madrid
Country/Region: Spain
Contact name (PI/Team): Alberto Domingo Pascual-Montano
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


CentrosomeDB: a new generation of the centrosomal proteins database for Human and Drosophila melanogaster. [PMID: 24270791]
Alves-Cruzeiro JM, Nogales-Cadenas R, Pascual-Montano AD.

We present the second generation of centrosomeDB, available online at, with a significant expansion of 1357 human and drosophila centrosomal genes and their corresponding information. The centrosome of animal cells takes part in important biological processes such as the organization of the interphase microtubule cytoskeleton and the assembly of the mitotic spindle. The active research done during the past decades has produced lots of data related to centrosomal proteins. Unfortunately, the accumulated data are dispersed among diverse and heterogeneous sources of information. We believe that the availability of a repository collecting curated evidences of centrosomal proteins would constitute a key resource for the scientific community. This was our first motivation to introduce CentrosomeDB in NAR database issue in 2009, collecting a set of human centrosomal proteins that were reported in the literature and other sources. The intensive use of this resource during these years has encouraged us to present this new expanded version. Using our database, the researcher is offered the possibility to study the evolution, function and structure of the centrosome. We have compiled information from many sources, including Gene Ontology, disease-association, single nucleotide polymorphisms and associated gene expression experiments. Special interest has been paid to protein-protein interaction.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2014:42(Database issue) | 36 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
CentrosomeDB: a human centrosomal proteins database. [PMID: 18971254]
Nogales-Cadenas R, Abascal F, Díez-Pérez J, Carazo JM, Pascual-Montano A.

Active research on the biology of the centrosome during the past decades has allowed the identification and characterization of many centrosomal proteins. Unfortunately, the accumulated data is still dispersed among heterogeneous sources of information. Here we present centrosome:db, which intends to compile and integrate relevant information related to the human centrosome. We have compiled a set of 383 likely human centrosomal genes and recorded the associated supporting evidences. Centrosome:db offers several perspectives to study the human centrosome including evolution, function and structure. The database contains information on the orthology relationships with other species, including fungi, nematodes, arthropods, urochordates and vertebrates. Predictions of the domain organization of centrosome:db proteins are graphically represented at different sections of the database, including sets of alternative protein isoforms, interacting proteins, groups of orthologs and the homologs identified with blast. Centrosome:db also contains information related to function, gene-disease associations, SNPs and the 3D structure of proteins. Apart from important differences in the coverage of the set of centrosomal genes, our database differentiates from other similar initiatives in the way information is treated and analyzed. Centrosome:db is publicly available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2009:37(Database issue) | 51 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
Lina Ma [2018-06-12]
Mengwei Li [2016-03-31]
Mengwei Li [2016-03-29]
Mengwei Li [2016-02-18]
Mengwei Li [2015-12-01]
Mengwei Li [2015-06-27]